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El Coleccionista Ecléctico attempts to describe, reliably and accurately, all products included in the store, to make your virtual image as close as possible to the actual object that will be receive at home.

For this, the company shall, to the extent that technology allows and the web viewing, using high-resolution photos, videos, and extensive and detailed descriptions to capture the exact time, characteristics and condition of the product and make the shopping experience online as close to a transaction face to face.

El Coleccionista Ecléctico sells only original articles and period objects and rejects copies and imitations that have much lower quality and finish.

Before a product is sell, the company makes a careful selection in revising its quality, age, function, status, rarity and other issues to minimize negative experiences and ensure that what you see or read is what you get.

However, the client must understand that perfection does not exist and may be errors or differences of opinion.

Thus, the published data on the page about the nature, dating and condition of items are to be considered as an opinion of the company and never as fact.

Customers, therefore, have to take advice and make their own opinion on the items but any claim to that effect will be answered by e-mail at and answered within 48 hours.

In any case, the user assumes, on accepting the General Conditions, the vast majority of items offered by El Coleccionista Ecléctico are antiques and period objects, and although they are in good condition, may show little impairments, signs or imperfections due to normal use and time.

A warranty seal issued by Trusted Shops guarantees web's truthfulness.

This company audits service's quality, certifying that feedback given by customers concerning transactions is veridical. These offer highest protection to the buyer protecting him from any financial risk through refund of purchase's assurance.

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